Welcome to the Online Conference Registration for Benin 2022, the World Physiotherapy Africa Region Conference. Please review the registration rates below, and then proceed thereafter to Register for the Conference.

Registration is a two (2) step process:

  • Step 1: Complete a Biodata form to assist Local Organizing Committee to prepare for the conference.
  • Step 2: Choose your registration category, make payment by:
    • Direct Bank Transfer/Deposit at EcoBank Benin (details provided on final page of checkout), OR
    • Use your Debit/Credit Card to make online Payment.
      • Note: When entering phone number, DO NOT add your Country Code. The DPO system will automatically add your country code. Otherwise, you will not be able to receive a transaction verification code on your phone.
  • In Step 2, you will be required to upload evidence of your membership status:
    • If Student: Upload evidence from School for 2022
    • If Member from Member Organization: Upload evidence

Click on the Image Below or this Link to start the Registration Process.