Guidelines for the rehabilitation of patients with COVID-19 in African Settings

June 4, 2020

This document titled “Rehabilitation of patients with COVID-19 in African Settings: Guidance for Community Based Rehabilitation Workers, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists, and Assistants” published on May 24, 2020 by an international team of researchers and clinicians consolidate findings and experience relevant to the African context. The guidance document addresses specific and general issues relevant to rehabilitation professionals during this Covid-19 pandemic. These general recommendations are clearly outlined under seven (7) key considerations.

They include:

1) Determine risk and take action to reduce risk of infection and spread of COVID-19 in rehabilitation settings.

2) Work as a team.

3) Do as much as possible without person-to-person contact.

4) Anticipate an increased demand of workforce.

5) Determine type of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) needed for patient contact.

6) Include people with impairments and disabilities.

7) Streamline documentation procedures.

Specific recommendations are also provided for Community Based Rehabilitation Workers, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists, and Assistants. This document is intended to supplement existing efforts and resources put in place to improve safety and wellbeing of client/patient and rehabilitation healthcare professionals’ in the region.

Click here to read the full document.


May 4, 2020

On behalf of the WCPT Africa Board, Local Organizing Committee (LOC) and Scientific Committee of Congress 2020, I present another update concerning Congress 2020 in the wake of the COVID 19 pandemic.
We believe you are in good health and staying safe.
As indicated in March 2020, the evolving nature of the pandemic was being monitored and analyzed to enable us provide updates. A major and critical review of the COVID 19 situation has been jointly undertaken recently to help determine our next steps.
In view of the latest developments worldwide the following is decided;

  1. The Benin 2020 Congress is postponed to 2021 but will still be called Benin 2020.
  2. The new date is October 28 to 31, 2021. M/
  3. Further statements will be released as and when necessary.

Thank you.
Jonathan Quartey
Chair, WCPT Africa Board.

Find attached below a copy of the official statement of the WCPT Africa Chair in English and French.



KSP Hosted WCPT-A East Africa Conference

January 10, 2019

The Kenya Society of Physiotherapists hosted the WCPT-A East Africa Physiotherapy Scientific Conference at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya from 5th-7th September 2018.